Sep 27, 2011

Entrelac and Baked Chicken!

Yes I know dinner's not ready yet, but look what I made! An entrelac bag! Yay for me! I did it! It was a little confusing at first, but the method I used was pretty simple ( Two vids I posted on youtube, the rest to follow). I am so proud :)
Well, except for this... I have to remember to pay attention !

So yeah, back to dinner.
I used the simple Bisquick recipe on my chicken, yes chicken, you expect some thing else? Haha! yeah I know I have been doing alot of meat dishes lately!

I use skinless boneless chicken breasts, so of course you have to decrease the cooking time. It is a tasty bite, but next time I think I will add some type of spice, maybe chili powder or something! Bland... But that's they way "they" like it! Oh well!
I did spice up the potatoes though! And, Look! I was so hungery after all that knitting, I took a bite out of the bread! Haaha! Oh well...

Sep 14, 2011

Helpful Harley

This is harley:

Isn't he just so cute sitting on my knitting? On my table? Helping...

Such a good boy!

This is the opportunity I had taken from AllFreeKnitting to make how to videos, they posted two of them and you can check them out here:

And there you have it folks!

Sep 12, 2011

Two Rights, So Wrong

Well I was happily working away on these really cool wrist warmers from a pattern I found in The Stitch n'Bitch Nation book that I got from the library. At first it was a lil' difficult for me, learning how to cable, but after awhile I got it! I Finished the first one! Yay! And immediately started on the second one, really getting into it, cuz by now, you know I have become an expert. And Then...

Did someone just ask "Whats For Food?"
Gotta Go!

Sep 2, 2011

Goodness Gracious! Great Balls of Meat!

This revolt against chicken really leaves me helpless as to what to make for dinner. So I took out some hamburger meat. Hmm....
(poking with finger)
I don't like ground up hamburger meat. Why do they call it that anyway? Ham. burger. There is no ham in it.
So here I am again rifling through the cupboards and staring into the fridge for ideas. When suddenly...

I found this!

This was easy to make and delicious! The rest of the meal was simple too, I just added a little bit of noodles and sauce and a side of vegatables!
